Mount Coolum Conquered

Two years later we have returned to one of our favourite house sits and location. From the lovely neighbours to the beach just a quick walk away we love it here. Large open plan home and a fabulous four legged girl who loves to run and run and run.
On the way to the beach is the famous Mount Coolum which is a climb not for the faint hearted. There have been some tourists who have ventured off the track and never returned but if you stick to the thousands of stairs you’ll be fine.
Clark decided, after being inspired by a friend of ours who was doing 100 Mount Coolum climbs in 2015, that he was going to do 100 in the nine weeks that we were there. He started off slowly and after a week decided that he could do the 100 in less than that. To give you an indication, it takes just over 30 minutes to go up and back at a decent pace.
He set a record of completing 12 climbs, up and back in a day and then got motivated to finish off his 100 within 21 days. His knees were struggling with all the stairs but his fitness was improving out of sight. By the time he reached his goal he had had enough of the climbing but had met some fabulous and inspiring people along the way. Like the mums and dads with kids strapped onto their fronts and backs, the army guy who had a huge pack full loading him down and lots of other happy smiling faces.